Improve Your Chances of Playing Baccarat|Gold99

In this baccarat, which is considered to be the fairest, how can we play to the end and even win?Gold99
Improve Your Chances of Playing Baccarat|Gold99

Side note|Gold99

Many people will inevitably wonder when they hear this technique. Can such a simple technique really increase the winning rate? But don’t underestimate such a simple trick, it can improve your odds if played correctly.When betting on one side, the average winning probability is 1/3, and your betting level is also maintained at 1/4 (that is, neither loses nor wins). After settlement, the probability of losing money is 5/12. What is less well known is that the “banker” and “player” will start a winning streak at some point in the card path. There are about 8 out of 10 card roads that will have such a thing — so the odds of winning a one-sided bet are really high.

Follow suit|Gold99

Basically you’re always switching between zigzags and long stripes. Start the analysis from the flat road, and place bets according to the trend. When you lose 3 times in a row in a trend, you should change to a trend betting method, and then observe whether it is as expected.Next, you need to set your stop loss a bit wider. Using this technique, you must control profits in both trends to ensure that you are ultimately in a winning position. When you time your bets well, you can make around 65% of your ultimate target profit. Even if the profit target is not met, the average win rate of 3 games is 85%.

Look at roads and cables|Gold99

This is the most common and commonly used betting method, such as 3 dealers chasing the dealer, 3 people chasing the idler, chasing the broken dragon, or one single double, two singles and other basic betting methods.Analysis: Most people use this betting method. Suitable for long-term play with dealers. Winning or losing this game depends on the long-term or long-term perspective. The margin is estimated at 43.2%. Suitable for recreational players. Recommended betting method.

Reverse cable play|Gold99

Assuming that today you open 3 dealers or 3 players in a row and start betting against your opponent, you must prepare a certain amount of funds as the principal, and bet in the form of 2:3:5. If you don’t win within 3 hands, you must leave immediately and wait until the next day or other time to join. The editor gives an example: Open 3 dealers in a row, the principal is 10,000, and the bet starts at 2,000; you must rest until the next cable appears.

Random gun and cable|Gold99

This is the most profitable method because it is not limited by the road. If you want to be in the middle of the road map, you must first cover the road map completely, and choose one of the banker and the player to bet. It is not intended for long-term use, only short-term recreational use.Analysis: It is suitable for large bets, and the number of bets is controlled within 5 wins and losses. Do not use this betting method for a long time.

Gambling is like playing chance|Gold99

The gameplay of baccarat is actually very simple. The most basic is to choose between betting on the banker or on the player. Therefore, it is a very important ability to distinguish which is more vigorous, and the trick to distinguish is the “first 20 rounds”. Through the records of the first 20 rounds, observe whether the number of times the dealer opens is more or the number of idlers is more. If you find which side opens more times, take it for granted.

Timing of adding and subtracting notes|Gold99

After playing for a long time, you will find that you always win slowly and less, but lose more and faster, so it is more important to raise or lower your bet. If you play for a period of time and find that the profit is slowly increasing, if you are lucky, you can use 50% of the profit to raise at this time, but it should be noted that if this 50% returns later, then do not be in the game. Ambitious, I want to get it back, but I have to reduce the bet immediately to keep the principal, and wait until the luck and profit come back, and then increase or decrease the bet in the same way.