Gold99|Live Casino, Sports Betting Weekly betting bonus 0.6

Promotion Tag:Other offers
Promotional target:All Members
Promotion Platform:
Promotional period:2022/01/16 ~ 2023/06/30
Gold99|Live Casino, Sports Betting Weekly betting bonus 0.6

Promotion details:


1. Minimum cashback return is 1 peso or more

2. Calculation time from Monday to Sunday: 00:00:00 ~ 23:59:59 (only for live casino and sports betting)

3. The bonus will be sent every Monday at 13:00 pm

4. You can withdraw money directly without doing turnover.

5. If you are applying for the promotion of live casino and sports betting, the system will not calculate the turnover in that event.


1. The promotion is limited to each account, IP, phone number, email, and bank account, can only be used once. Gold99 reserves the right to cancel the promotion without prior notice if you apply promotion more than one time.

2. Gold99 reserves the right to make changes and cancel promotions without prior notice.