Gold99|Gold99 Collect Screenshots Get bonus Rewards

Promotion Tag:Other offers
Promotional target:All Members
Promotion Platform:
Promotional period:2022/10/28 ~ 2023/12/31
Gold99|Gold99 Collect Screenshots Get bonus Rewards

Just play on Gold99 website

The winning amount exceeds 800 or more

Provide the winning screen to Gold99 customer service

Instant bonus

Promotion Details:

⭕️ Members of Gold99

⭕️ Winning bets must be applied on the same day, overdue bets will be considered forfeited

⭕️ Slots only

⭕️ Must deposit more than 100 in the week

*Limited to once a day

*Bonus turnover 1x


❌ Winnings from other promotions can’t be used to claim.

❌ Winnings from in-game purchased free spins can’t be used to claim 

❌Winnings from in-game free spins accumulated by the combo are not included (single spin required)

If any of the above conditions are taken, it will be deemed invalid.

how to apply:

Find customer service application, provide the following information

1. username

2. Screenshot of betting


Account: gd16888

I won at Gold99

(And attach a screenshot of the winning prize)


*Gold99 reserves the right to modify, change and terminate the promotion at any time.