Baccarat|Make good use of the remainder to reverse the situation Gold99

We take the 20th time as the standard. If the 20th time is profitable, we will lock in the profit on the 20th time and start from scratch. If there is only a small gain in the 20th round, continue to increase the size at the beginning of the next big round, and keep playing until the 20th round of the current big round is settled again. If you need to lock the position, you can lock it. If you need to continue to increase the size, please do not hesitate. People who can cultivate the concept of “cuttin Gold99g into the game” will not be reckless when sitting at the gambling table. I often emphasize that many people come to the casino and are often carried back after entering the casino. The problem is that they don’t know how to “cut the game into several sections”, and accidentally fall into endless hand-to-hand combat. When the chips are about to lose, they tend to be impatient and spend the little money left in the game one time at a time. The results are rarely what they hoped for.
There are some simp Gold99le truths in the world of gambling, but some people take a long time to appreciate their value. This is really helpless. Many people have played for a lifetime, but they are still revolving around the prediction game. They’re just trying to predict the next game more accurately. They will never know how to divide the game, cut the game into one segment, you will just play as you go, and you will never win the casino with this kind of thinking. In the gambling world, especially in game books, the concep Gold99t of “cut game” seems to be the first time I put forward it.
After “Baccarat Introduction” came out, I received many letters from “professional gamblers”, confirming that there are still many professional gamblers who have played for a lifetime, but do not know that “cutting cards” can not only reduce risks, but also Increased risk.Profit increases steadily.
Someone said in the letter that the idea of “Chesai” became his life-saving medicine. Of course, I am very happy to read it, but I still want to Gold99 emphasize here: I am very glad that you can accept my suggestions and ideas, but you still need to take the risk you can bear according to your own personality characteristics and degree. Plan your most manipulative style of gambling. Never take everything, not even follow the table.
Tell you again: take “cutting into the game” as a compulsory course, and don’t play while walking. Without the concept of “cutting the game”, you can’t be the winner of “Baccarat”. The same goes for Ratio and Roulette.
Gold99If the concept of “remnant soldiers” can be well used in the “cutting the game” gameplay, it may be possible to transform the previous “surrender” game into the driving force for “revenge”. The seemingly passive style of “early surrender” is actually a strong “opening up another line of fire”. I have received many letters from readers discussing this issue with me, and I am very gratified that most of them can understand the meaning and essence of it. Now let me explain it again in a few simple paragraphs.