Baccarat Betting Tips Reverse Cable Must Win Gold99

Baccarat Betting Tips Baccarat betting tips will win, the so-called “cable”, that is, continuous betting, continuous betting several times. The most common is to start buying leisure after opening Sanpu Zhuang. If the first store loses, the second store will double again; if the second store loses, the third store will continue to double until it is bought.

Once I met a tycoon in a casino. At that time, he had already lost a lot of money, and he sighed: “How can I win money?” Someone next to him said: “You can win money by buying a cable.” Pay any price for this. He is right. Gold99 There is no unbreakable cable in the world, once it breaks once in a while, once it breaks, you will lose a lot. That being the case, how can buying cables win?

To facilitate the purchase of Suobisheng. First we need to understand the rules of the game. Generally speaking, the casino will set the ratio of the upper limit and the lower limit of betting, the most common is 1:150. For example, the minimum is 100 yuan and the maximum is 15,000 yuan, depending on the individual casino. In Asian casinos, many count as the sum of all bets; in places like the US, each gambler is cou Gold99nted independently. The purpose is the same, because the casino wants to protect its own interests. Without caps, endless double-downs, double-downs, players buying players forever, the casino is at a disadvantage. So what is the upper and lower limit from the lowest 1:100 to the highest 1:200? The reason is that gamblers also calculate the probability, so even if the player is willing to buy cable for a long time, he still has to risk losing a lot of money. Qingchong Ningnong Linglong heard through:

According to statistics and computer analysis, to achieve a long-term contin Gold99uous cable, at least ten layers need to be laid to ensure long-term success, but laying ten layers just exceeds the gambling number, so there are contradictions and it is not feasible. Any formula line, no matter how it is arranged, there is still a chance of breaking within 9 lines, and the chance of exceeding 10 lines is small, and the longer it is, the more difficult it is to break. This is purely a reason for mixed probabilities.

In other words, there is no eternal cable, which means there is a cable that has to be snapped. True, keeping the cables running can be difficul Gold99t, but frequent disconnections aren’t a problem. Especially for the four or five layer lines, almost every box of cards will be broken. Therefore, we can use this logic to say that it is difficult to bet on things with high probability, but it is easy to bet on things that are inevitable. The betting method is:

According to my own statistics, of course, the four-style cable (four consecutive layers) breaks the most on average, and there are about two or three times in a box of cards. Category 5 cables are used once or twice per box, and Category 6 cables are used once every t Gold99wo boxes. Form seven and above will not appear in every box. So I think a five-way cable would be more feasible. Not only is it universal, but it can also maintain a decent profit.

Betting on this kind of backtracking requires considerable patience, and you must stick to your beliefs, this phenomenon will definitely happen. Don’t be discouraged if you lose in the early stage, you can win back when you meet five idlers. In addition, sometimes the first part of a box of cards is encountered five times in a row, and the profit is made, and the second box can already be waited for.